25 Signs You Might Be An Earth Angel


Earth Angels

Another form of Soul that incarnates on Earth are Earth Angels. They are a soul who has chosen the path that serves others. I’m sure you know someone who is an Earth Angel or you might be one yourself. Here are some signs that you might be an Earth Angel.

  • They are very service driven. They love doing anything they can to help humans, plants, & animals. You are very Pro-Life in all forms.
  • Life tends to be short, Many Earth Angels do not live to be 100 because they cannot stand being trapped in the human body.
  • They have a lot of Astral experiences. They have to do this because the human body is very confining to them and they leave it every chance they get.
  • They often are very wise and will often show extreme wisdom for their age. As children, they are often thought of as little adults. This does not refer to book smarts, this is common sense smarts.
  • People come to them with their problems. Everyone seems to want their advice and they are natural “Dear Abbys
  • They often live their life in some type of pain. This can range from being in abusive relationships to having chronic illnesses. They seem to always be in some sort of hardship and will live in either emotional or physical pain.
  • They have a very strong sense of purpose. Stronger than any other type of Soul. It may takes years to figure out this purpose and it feels very specific but you have a hard time figuring it out. Once you do it’s full speed ahead.
  • Struggle with addictions. They are usually “lightweights” and need much less drug or addictive substance to get a “buzz”. They are lightweights with alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, etc.. a little goes a long way and they tend to become addicted very easily.
  • They have a sense of wisdom about things you have never experienced. You might know answers to problems that you have never encountered but you just seem to know.
  • They cannot tolerate cruelty of any kind towards people or animals but will take on immense mistreatment themselves. It is perceived as them being tough enough to take it themselves, but inside they hurt more than others when they see or experience cruelty.
  • No fear of death They will take big risks because they do not fear death. They are by no means suicidal but they live their lives and experience things without the fear of death because they know they will not leave before their time is up and they know death is nothing to fear.
  • They give you a sense that they are special when you are around them. If people often refer to you as an Angel because of your sense of character you might be an Earth Angel.
  • They are often Vegan or don’t like eating meat. If they look at a hamburger, they see a defenseless cow being slaughtered and can’t touch it.
  • They are very sensitive to other people’s emotions. If they see someone who is hurting they hurt with them, even if it is just watching a movie they can’t help but shed a tear when someone is putting off emotions.
  • They are big on the Truth. They do not like when people lie and don’t like to lie themselves. They understand that sometimes the truth hurts but is necessary.
  • They are very sensitive to things such as food ingredients, dyes, chemicals. Gluten or other food allergies.
  • Many have digestive issues such as IBS, Ulcers, Ulcerative colitis, lactose Intolerance, chronic indigestion and other sensitivities.
  • Very strong instincts. They get these really strong feelings about things and they are very often right. Even if it doesn’t seem to make sense at the time they just know.
  • You experience real and complete inner peace once you understand that you are an Earth Angel.  You feel complete knowing who you are and what your earthly mission is and you are ready to get some stuff done. Your Soul sort of wakes up once you understand your mission.
  • You are an Old Soul. If you are an old soul you just somehow know it within you and you carry that wisdom with you like a book of knowledge and you seem to have the answers to many of life’s problems. You can watch something happening on the news and have an exact answer for a world problem within seconds.
  • The only time you feel true inner peace is when you are within nature. You cannot completely relax in any other surrounding. You might live in the city and your vacations will always be within nature or you have lived in a remote area your whole life and can’t imagine anything else.
  • You are sensitive to bad vibes. When you are around someone who is putting off bad vibes you just cannot be around them. It affects you much stronger than the average person.
  • You experience a lot of synchronicity and use them to receive messages from the Universe.
  • You have known about this massive transformation and mass awakening long before other people figured it out. You knew something was changing and knew you were going to be part of it.
  • You seem to be in the right place at the right time to help people. There is a lot of coincidence in your life and it seems to work out a lot that you just happen to be there at the right time to help people. Often circumstance is against the odds that you happen to be there to help but you are.





9 Signs That You Are A Light Worker


Here are 9 signs that you could be a Light Worker


  • You know you are different– You might feel like you are just somehow different from other people. You might be the “black sheep” of your family or feel different from other people you know.


  • Despise government & conformity– You know that the government is lying to you, you know the news is fake and the world is corrupt and it pisses you off. It is an insult that they think they can pull the wool over your eyes.


  • Cant stand being told what to do– It angers you when people try to tell you what to do on any level. You do things your own way on your own time and pace. When others try to control you, you will rebel.


  • You want to help people, even if you cant stand them–  You really don’t like people and can’t stand society and the way people act and live might annoy the hell outta you, but you have the urge to help them in any way you can. You probably can’t figure out why you want to help people so bad because you might say “they were stupid enough to get themselves into that situation..” yet you have an overwhelming desire to help them.


  • You can’t stand it here & have a strong urge to be away from earth– You have no fear of death. You are by no means hoping to die, but you are highly uncomfortable on Earth and around other humans. You feel almost like you are just stuck here. You might compare your feelings about life on earth to being stuck on the side of the road with a broken down car with a dead cell phone and no help in sight.


  • Cant stand how people treat each other– You really just can’t stand how people treat each other. This is part of the reason you can’t stand society, you see that people are just so ugly to each other and it is so unnecessary. When you see people committing wrongs to others such as lies, betrayals, wrongdoings, hateful acts, etc.. it drives you up the damn wall.


  • No fear of discussing spirituality with people– You have no fear of discussing Spirituality in front of people. You do not feel the need to hide who and what you are about from the world. You don’t worry about being made fun of or getting those funny looks or being labeled. You see it is anyone who doesn’t understand, is just an idiot or maybe you might feel sorry for them that they don’t comprehend. To you, they are like uneducated & clueless if they don’t get it so you don’t care what they might think.


  • Know that something big is about to happen– You feel the changes that are about to take place here on Earth. You feel the Big Shift coming and know that you are going to play a role in the changes. You feel that your purpose for being here is about to come into play.


  • You naturally want to see others Awaken– You do what you can to help open the eyes of other. You know that saying the right thing to the right person is like planting a seed and you hope that this seed grows into Awareness for the people around you. You may feel that this is your job, helping Awaken others to the knowledge that you hold. You are a natural mentor for the unaware.


If you are a Light Worker you know the changes are coming and you are excited to see them.

You are honored to get to play a part in this big mass Awakening and despite your aggravation with society, you are thrilled at the idea of everyone waking up and reaching their potential. You know that this world can be a much better place and could be downright beautiful if we would all just wake up. You don’t really dislike people, you just have no tolerance for the actions of people who just don’t get it.

If any of this resonates with you and you feel it in your heart that you are a Light Worker than yes, you are in fact a Light Worker. There are so many types of Souls that come to this world such as Starseeds, Rainbows, Crystals, Earth Angels, Indigos.. we all have a role to play and each is just as important as they other. We are meant to work together to help Awaken those who have not yet become Aware. Thank you Light Worker for everything you do to make this world a better place. It can be a thankless & aggravating job, but you got this!!


