My Best Friend, My Guide…



I have a Guide that I love very much. There were many times when he was alive that I was convinced that he and I would one day grow old together after we got done with whatever we were going to do in life. He was my best friend and he would have done anything in the world for me including be a Father to my unborn baby when I was alone and pregnant at 19 years old.

I often feel guilty for running back to the baby’s father and leaving him standing alone but he did come to the hospital when I gave birth and made the father do the right thing when he tried to run again.

I just loved him too much to get romantically involved and despite the fact that we were so close, we never went any further than a single drunk make-out session back when we first met which he stopped because he said he couldn’t touch me unless I was his and I couldn’t commit to that, so we remained best friends until his death but I knew he was in love with me for over 20 years while I just loved him unconditionally.

I do still beat myself up thinking if I had just given him a chance that accident wouldn’t have happened.. but really.. who knows..

When he died it about killed me and I don’t think I am capable of feeling pain like that ever again. Honestly, it nearly led me to a breakdown mentally and physically. A solid week without food, sleep, and nonstop tears is not good on the mind or body. When I did finally crash I slept for 2 solid days. I barely remember those awful first weeks after his death. I couldn’t even stay for his funeral, as soon as I saw his body it was real and I just had to leave.

In time I recovered and while I will always love him and miss him he is with me now more than when he was alive because he became my Guide. He hangs out with me in dreams and I feel him all the time.

But last night I had a vivid dream about him and he had some guy I didn’t know with him. I can’t remember much to be honest, but I do remember him introducing me to a light skinned, blonde haired guy with chubby cheeks named Patrick and telling me that Patrick is my new Guide. Tony said he “had some things to do and Patrick is going to take over for a little while“. And it was real because I can feel him gone already.

This is one of the reasons that I am thankful for my abilities because I have always been able to sense when Tony was around, even in life if I walked into Walmart while he was there at the same time, I felt him before I saw him. If he had just disappeared without this dream I would have known it and been worried and devastated.

So I’m getting ready to “go to work” and give Readings today with Patrick’s help for the first time and I’m nervous.. Tony and I have a smooth system when it comes to readings on the hotlines but I’m sure things will go just fine. Since I have been working the Hotlines I have not screwed anyone’s reading up yet and I pray that today is not that day lol. I almost feel like today is my first day on the job again..  Back when I first started every time the phone rang I had a panic attack lol.

I am feeling like a big change is about to take place and I just can’t put my finger on it. My one Client has finished up, my other Client got scared and quit because she was just too worried about what her family would think and I understand where she is coming from.. when you come from a religious family it’s very hard to suddenly announce you have these abilities. She has so much potential and I have grown to love her as a good friend and want nothing but the best for her..

So all I really have to fill my time is a couple people I volunteered to help along the way on an as-needed basis so for all purposes I don’t really have any Clients right now and if I want to do something different now would be the time.

The ever popular 1111 has been coming at me from every which way replacing my usual 7777. I don’t know yet what’s supposed to be next, but I do feel the changes coming. Only thing I know for sure is that I’m tired of what I have been doing and I’m ready for something different.

I am not actively searching for any new Clients at this time unless they happen to find me and I’m not even sure about reopening my website.. I spend more time here on this blog than there so I may just change base and turn this into headquarters. You never know about me lol. Once I get something in my head it’s full speed.. lol..

Okay.. enough chatter! Time to get myself going for the day and transform myself into Indigo for the afternoon lol.. One thing I love about Indigo is that she is still young & pretty and nobody calls her Mom, Mother, or Grandma lol..



Identifying An Imprint


Imprints can manifest anywhere

When you search for information about Ghost & Spirit you will likely come across the term Imprint.

An Imprint is when the feelings or emotions of a situation stay embedded in a location and when others are in this location they can feel or see the events that took place there sometimes centuries or more later.

It’s common in Cemeteries, battlefields or places of mass casualties but it can be in other places that he been less catastrophic.

Personally, the most profound imprint I have ever felt was in a house that I lived in for a very short time (less than a year) because a couple lived in it before we did and he had tortured her terribly before he ended up brutally killing her (her body was never found) and the horror of the things that happened there imprinted strongly into the house.

You could walk into that house in the best of moods and once you went through the doorway you could feel the violence, anger, fear, sadness & complete and utter despair. It just left you feeling so yucky and I really can’t think of a word strong enough that fits the description for how that house made people feel. I have mentioned this place before and I will never forget the hell living in that place put me through.. very dark time in my life.

If I had went with him to check the place out I would have never taken it. The house had a long history of abuse as I later found out, every couple who lived in it ended up having a domestic violence situation, including us. I heard that the owner no longer rents it because of the history with it, thank God.. but I heard he shut it down because it was haunted.. thing is, it isn’t haunted it is imprinted. If I had the extra money I would buy it just so I could light a match and watch it burn down.. but the thing is.. the energy would still be there even with the “home” gone.

It’s an easy mistake to make if you don’t know how to tell the two apart.

  • Imprints will not seem to notice you if you see or hear them.
  • The same exact thing will happen over and over as if stuck in a time warp
  • You will not get direct signs or messages
  • The same feeling of the place just lingers
  • There is no physical occurrences of a haunting such as pictures falling off walls.
  • If you hear words, they don’t seem to be directed at you.
  • There is a very strong feeling attached and people will feel it. For example, everyone who visited my house would leave very aggravated and didn’t know why.
  • You know something happened in the place in question.
  • You see images of people that are not dead

Can you clear an Imprint?

To an extent– I didn’t even know what an imprint was back when I lived in that place, it wasn’t until long after I moved out that I learned what an imprint was but if I had known I would have done something instead of pretty much running for my life.

First we must understand that Imprints are created of energy and we are all created from the same energy. You must release more positive energy into the area to eliminate the negative energy but.. you cannot eliminate Energy all together because it is never ending.

You can Smudge the area for starters. Smudging is a cleansing ritual that eliminates the negative energies within the area and you can even get Smudging kits that contain everything you need.

Ask your Guides to help you clear and bless the area and you can also create better memories in the area to replace the bad ones but it is hard to completely eliminate the negativity from an area that has had a really bad catastrophic event and it may take some time to clear the area entirely.

If you have the opportunity to visit an area such as the NYTC-9/11, an old battlefield, a funeral home, or Pearl Harbor area you will likely feel the sadness of past events. When I visited Pearl Harbor several years ago I kept wanting to cry and I am not an emotional person at all.. I am quite the smart-ass in my natural habitat lol.. but I just couldn’t control myself because the area is deeply Imprinted with pain & sorrow.

We have a local Movie Theater that was used as a makeshift morgue during the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918, the alley right beside it is known as Blood Alley because when they processed the bodies of the dead, they just drained their bodily fluids into the street and the blood ran down the street into the sewer system.. horrifying thought.. 

Even as a child when my mom took me there to watch a matinee on Sundays, I could feel the sadness of the place and just didn’t want to be there. I had no idea what had happened there, but I still remember how sad & creepy it felt.. I called it a “Chop Shop” and to this day I don’t know where I got that term from but when I refer to it I always call it “The Chop Shop”.

Last time I was there about 10 years ago I was just walking past it and that feeling hit me again.. I hate that place. Here is a little information on it..

So if you know of a place that has a bad energy attached to it, it may very well be an Imprint, not just a Haunting although you can find an imprint and a haunting in the same area.

I should also point out that Imprints can be good too! When you walk into a Church for example there is almost always a good feeling attached which is why I jumped at the chance to convert an old church into a home a few years ago.. it came with great energy despite the fact that several funerals were held here and it had been vandalized repeatedly while it sat empty.

And keep in mind that the Energy you put out can also create Imprints. Let’s say that you have a horrible argument with your spouse in your bedroom for example, someone may move into your house years from now and think the bedroom is haunted because the remnants of that argument will stay in that area so it is always good to do a regular Smudging of your home to keep the energy clean.




How to Meet Your Spirit Team


It isn’t hard to arrange a meeting with your entire Spirit Team.


Here is a tried & true method for contacting your entire Spirit Team and it is really easy to do. You can actually participate in a meeting that can tell you everything you need to know about your life path from your entire spirit team or someone specific.

First, you will need to prepare for a long Meditation. Get comfortable and relaxed for a bit, the more relaxed you are going into the process the easier it is. Also, start by Grounding yourself by visualizing roots growing from your feet until the hit the center of the Earth and absorb the energy into your body.

Next, send your team an invitation by asking them to meet you in your eternal Home. You can invite all of your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Soul Family, Loved Ones from Past Lives, Jesus, and even God (Father & Mother), and anyone else you might want to consult. There could be many many Spirits show up for this meeting! Or you can choose for only specific people to attend, it’s up to you!

Once you have asked them to meet you, you will need to start your Journey. Start your Meditation with a few minutes of deep concentrated breathing. 

Put on your Invisibility Cloak before you get started. That is very important so you will have full protection on your trip. Once it’s on, walk out your door and visualize yourself traveling down a long path. You will see trees, flowers, animals… everything nature can offer will be along this path. Notice that the Sun is starting to set as you walk up over a hill on the path and start back down towards your home. The road curves and goes up and down hills along the way.

You come to the top of a little hill and see your home in the horizon. Go with your instincts on what your home and yard looks like. Your subconscious will fill in the details of your home, such as what kind of plants & trees are in your yard, the color or design of your house, and so forth.

As you come into your yard, stop and look around and let yourself feel the joy of being home.

Reach into your pocket and pull out the key and unlock the door and go inside. Look around and see what all is in your home. Notice the furniture and the decor, go from room to room checking everything out. Don’t try to concentrate on creating details, just let the images come to you naturally.

There will be a big window in your living room, look out this window towards the path and you will see that it is nearly dark and there is someone coming down the path with a light.


Your Guests are arriving!

Watch the light travel at a steady pace all the way to your door and hear the knock as your Guests arrive.

Invite them in and look them over. There will be many faces that you don’t know but you instinctively know that each person there is somehow very important to you and that everyone in this room loves you unconditionally.

There might be only 1 person or there might be thousands. There is no wrong number of beings and you may very well see people or entities that you didn’t expect to see. Your deceased pets may even come!

It’s a total love fest!

First off, thank everyone for coming and tell them how much they mean to you, then sit down on your couch and announce that you are here to listen to anything that anyone has to tell you or you can ask a specific question.

Note: If someone shows up that you don’t feel comfortable with, you can ask them to leave and they will!

Remember that everyone is equal and there are no ranks. Some people prefer to ask their Guides speak first and others prefer to ask Gods or Angels to go first. Your intuition will show you the way and there is no wrong order to take.

As everyone tells you what they want you to know, be sure to ask them any questions you might have for them too!

Everyone who wants to speak should get a turn. If you have many people show up, not all of them will want to speak, some are there just to see you and spend time with you and will usually just smile at you or maybe give you a quick hug.

After you finish your meeting be sure to thank everyone for coming and tell them that you love them one more time before they start to exit the house. 

Once you are alone you have a minute to collect your thoughts. When you are ready you can get up and look around the house one more time before you leave.

When you exit you will put your Cloak back on and pull the key from your pocket and lock the door behind you.

You are now holding a glowing lantern as you go down the path. As you start walking you notice that you are floating and your feet are barely touching the ground. Glide gracefully all the way back down the path holding your lantern feeling safe and secure under your cloak.

Re-enter your current home and sit back down into your own lap and open your eyes.


It is really common to feel very emotional after the experience.

Don’t stifle yourself and allow yourself to feel whatever it is you feel even if you aren’t sure why you feel that way.

Your Human brain might not have understood some of what just happened but your soul understood much more than you might realize. Your brain might not have recognized some of the people there but those strangers mean a lot to your soul and you will carry more away from this than you understand at the moment.

This process might take a long time so before you get started make sure that you will be uninterrupted for a long period of time. When you are meeting with all of these people it could take quite a while.

You can go back and do this anytime you like or you can have meetings inviting specific people you need to have a word with. Always wear your Cloak of protection on your trip and keep your key in your pocket.

Nobody can ever enter your home if you don’t want them there. This is your sacred space for yourself for eternity. If you have pets, a spouse, or child that has already passed on they might be waiting there for you now and look forward to your visits.

You can also use this method to visit others who are already deceased. If you miss your Grandma you can always go knock on her door on the Other Side. Remember, you must always have permission to enter anyone’s home!





Why Is My Forehead Tingling?


During the Awakening process you will have lots of strange things happen.

One of these things will be sensations in the forehead or Crown Chakra areas. It can manifest as a tingle or an itch, a pulsating spot, or even pressure or light to moderate headaches. This a a perfectly normal part of the process so as long as you know you aren’t having a medical issue. Most Awakened people experience this as the Third Eye Chakra opens, it’s actually a great sign of progress.

What It Means

When you start feeling these new sensations on your forehead or back of your head it means you are advancing in your Awakening and you are now ready to receive information from the Universe and your Guides. People have been calling it “downloading” as a new term for the process.

It can be a spot, a line, or an eye shaped area and if it is an eye shaped area that feels numb or hollow in the middle, you are at the tail end of the process. You are actively being advanced to the next level in your Awakening.

When you start getting these physical sensations you are ready to go to the next step and you might start getting the following occurrences…

  • You may start seeing or hearing Spirit & your psychic abilities may manifest at this time.
  • You really start to understand the concept of Oneness
  • Your knowledge of what things really are expands
  • You find your true purpose in life
  • You are capable of receiving information on a much higher level
  • You might start seeing Auras if you haven’t started already
  • Your ears will make noises, buzz, or ring.- Your Clairaudience is becoming active.
  • Colors start looking more vivid or you perceive new shades
  • Intuition gets very accurate
  • You crave time in nature
  • You might start understanding your pets or other animals now.
  • Life just changes..

It really is sort of a symptom of rebirth and should be treated as such. When your Third Eye Chakra opens, your whole world is going to be different. Things you thought you had figured out become new again and you are going to become very childlike in your need to learn, meaning that kids love to learn and adults love to forget and you are going to go back to that childlike love of learning as you re-learn about the world around you.

Your Intuition usually goes into overdrive at this point too so pay attention to the feelings you pick up on right now and you might amaze yourself with how accurate you have become.

What to do

Now is the time that you will need your Guides more than ever. They have been super busy lately getting you ready and the big moment is here! Once the tingling starts, it is time for you to do your part in the process and your Guides will do anything the can to help you with the process.

Spend more time Meditating, Keep your Chakras balanced, and listen to your Intuition and make sure to Ground yourself at least daily!

Also in this time, be sure to pay close attention for signs from your Guides, Angels, or other Light Beings..

  • Cold air– Lets say that you are in a room that is 90 degrees, you should not be feeling cold air, but you do. That is someone trying to get your attention.
  • Sensations on your skin– You may feel a tickle, a tingle, a breeze or other bodily sensations. Some people feel a tingle in their hand & feet and some feel like a finger is touching them.
  • The feeling of a Soul Hug– When you feel like another soul has hugged your soul there is no need for a description because it is unmistakable. It is totally the best feeling in the world.
  • Dreams- You are highly likely to get messages in your dreams. If you think you might not be getting visits in your dreams or you can’t remember them don’t worry because subconsciously you will remember.
  • Feathers, Pennies, Numbers– all common signs along with Cardinals. But you can also decide on another sign if you like. Sometimes the standard signs just aren’t suitable.. for example, I don’t pay much attention to Cardinals because I see so many of them it’s my State Bird lol. Instead, Hummingbirds are my personal messengers.

So if your forehead is feeling tingly or itchy, Congratulations! You have passed a Grade in the School of Life. I compare it to becoming a Jr. in Life High school and when we are finished we graduate to life without or Human Bodies, so you have made a serious advancement in your Soul. This is a really important step in the process and you have earned it so be proud of yourself.



Today’s Reading 7-3-18

IMG_20180527_144253 (1)

Gilded Tarot 5 Card Life Spread


Basis -Queen of Cups

Desires– Wheel of Fortune

Helpful– Three of Wands

Opposing– King of Swords

Outcome– Four of Wands


This spread kind of blows my mind. It is nearly the exact spread I got yesterday and I can assure you that I shuffle extensively before & after all Readings. It’s in a different order and one card is different I believe.

Just a quick note..

I had an exciting experience last night. We and his nephew were standing in the garden looking at the veggies and I got a flash vision of lightning striking the garden and I made everyone leave the area, even though they thought I was nuts lol. 

About an hour later my brother showed up and gave me a huge metal gazebo and set it up right beside my garden until we can put it up permanently on the sidewalk path. Out of nowhere, a bit later lightning struck that gazebo lol.

The storm had passed and there was no rain, lightning, or thunder for quite a while when it struck. I was laying on the couch watching tv while the guys were sitting at the kitchen table and when it struck I landed face down on the floor lmao.. it was just so unexpected and loud and very close, I thought the house had been hit but nope, it was the gazebo in the garden. First time I have ever been that close to a lightning strike before..

My abilities have been in overdrive lately and I have been picking up on quite a bit of information on people around me. Turns out my daughter was not pregnant but one of my extended family gave birth the night I had that dream about a baby but I didn’t know it until yesterday. I assume that I picked up on my daughter because she thought she was, but the baby I saw belongs to my niece. I have a very small family so every new baby is very exciting.



Closing the Third Eye


Yes, you can close it.

If you Awaken the Third Eye Chakra and it becomes a bit too much for you and you want to shut it down it can be done.

I would like to go on record as saying that I recommend people not close it because while the adjustment period can be hard on some people, it gets better and in time you do adapt. But if you feel that you really just don’t want this anymore, you can fairly easily shut it down.

Fluoride will shut it down semi permanently, meaning you will have to make the effort to reopen it if you choose later on. Don’t start eating toothpaste lol.. just use a good Fluoride rinse multiple times per day and brush your teeth often. You can also eat foods high in Fluoride and start drinking lots of tap water. Also, imagine the Eye on your Forehead closing each time you feel it open up.

It might not happen instantly, and I can’t give you a timeframe because we are all different but these two methods are how you close it up. Just eat junk foods, GMO’s, tap water, and brush or rinse your teeth a lot, and also mentally shut yourself down.

If you feel you are given more than you can handle with your Awakening, try and give it a chance, you can ask your Guides to tone it down a bit. Remember, even when you get new glasses or shoes there is a period of adjustment before they are comfortable.. this is no different. Unless is is seriously affecting your quality of life, perhaps trying to tone it down first is better than shutting it off. Once you shut back down, if you ever change your mind it will probably be harder to reopen again.

I had a hard time in the beginning myself, seeing Spirits everywhere was not real fun in the beginning before I learned how to shut that off, and I had Insomnia something terrible and I still get bouts of it every so often. But I wouldn’t change it for anything because there are so many wonderful and beautiful parts of being Awakened and as always you take the good with the bad. Most people who struggle excessively have Awakened prematurely and are just not ready yet but if they hang in there it will all resolve.





Crystal Grids


Your Crystals

Many people love their Crystal collection and wear them as jewelry, or display them in a lot of creative ways. Crystals hold the Energies they absorb and they are wonderful to touch. Some people can actually feel the energy when they touch them.

There are many varieties of Crystals and they are often assigned specific use. This is just a sample list. I will do more in-depth crystal articles in the future.

Astral Travel

  • Blue Calcite
  • Ametrine
  • lolite
  • Tourmaline
  • Quartz
  • Labradorite
  • Flourite
  • Moldavite
  • Angelite
  • Amethyst
  • Astrophyllite
  • Galaxite

Chakra Cleansing & All purpose

  • Clear Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Rose Quartz
  • Citrine
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Citrine

There are tons of Crystals available, the Earth has given us quite an abundance to choose from. If you would like to use Crystals for a specific purpose, you can stick with what is common and popular or you can use what feels right to you. I suggest using what feels right, regardless of what other people use it for. Your natural attraction to a certain type of Crystal is your best guide.

I like to buy bags of small crystals & stones from Amazon and keep them all together. I get a different variety each time and when I want to use Crystals for something, I just choose whatever appeals to me at the time and I love the variety to choose from.

Have you ever thought about creating a simple Room Crystal Grid?

This is a very simple type of Grid out of many other very easy to make types. You can take some Charged Crystals and place them in the 4 corners of any room you want to use and just leave them there. Each month it would be a good idea to let them cleanse and recharge in the Moonlight and put them back or replace with a new batch.

There are different kinds of Crystal Grids 

For a display grid get a placemat or a chart made for Grids. Place your crystals in a circular pattern according to the chart, you may make multiple circles each smaller than the last. In the center you can place one Crystal, pointing up if possible.

This Grid is used for protection, wishes, energy, and quite a few other things. Just be sure to declare your Intention during the creation.

You can easily find Downloadable Crystal Grid Charts online with a quick search. There are some very pretty and creative charts out there, but I suggest looking at a few for inspiration and making your own. All you need is a piece of paper or cardboard & some colored pencils, markers or paint. You can create a beautiful grid in a short amount of time.

Make it Your Own

Don’t worry so much about what Crystals you need or where they should go. Use what you like and set your intention. Your Intention is the most important part of the process. 

I like to saw ends off of logs and make a wooden plate and use that as a base with no marking. I am more comfortable with Nature based items but some people are into the colors and like a more decorative display. There is no wrong way to do it. This is a great project for the entire family.


40 Signs you Are Experiencing An Awakening


Odds are, if you are reading this article then you are starting to Awaken. People who are not ready to start the Awakening Journey will generally not go looking for information on it lol. 

In all seriousness, when you start your Awakening it can be a very slow & subtle process. Some people are well on their way before they even notice the changes within themselves. There are people who intentionally decide to start down this road and others evolve and it has been known to just suddenly happen to people pretty quickly.

This is not a complete list but if you are experiencing a majority of these signs, you are quite possibly Awakening.

Are You Awakening?

  • You develop a newfound curiosity towards life. You become curious about everything you see and what to know the how & why of the way things work.
  • You develop a new appreciation of Art & Music. They seem much more beautiful and meaningful to you.
  • Your Sleep patterns change. You may experience Insomnia, oversleeping, suddenly need naps, etc..
  • Colors seem more vivid and pretty.
  • You may have recently experiences a deeply tragic event such as illness, accident, or death or a Loved One.
  • Emotional Pain is part of the process.
  • You may experience vivid dreams.
  • You lose track of time.
  • You will want to eat healthier and suddenly not even want junk foods. Veggies & Fruits become a real treat.
  • You can spot unhappiness and many times feel it when someone is unhappy.
  • Changes in your sex drive
  • You can see through the BS and spot lies easily
  • Synchronicity is all around you. Numbers and signs start playing a big roles in your life. For example, I started seeing 7777 everywhere and still do.
  • You may experience changes in your energy. People often find that they drain energy much more easily.
  • You become aware that there is a Spiritual Presence that is everywhere and in everything. (this happens with those who are more advanced) You feel much closer to your Creator.
  • You just want to be alone.
  • You feel more peaceful and content with your life and the problems within it.
  • Your mind calms down and there is less mind chatter in your head. You feel a stronger sense of inner peace and contentment and many people report a much clearer mind even very early in the process.
  • You develop Empathy on a whole new level. You may become more emotional at times when around others who are experiencing strong emotions.
  • You lose any fears of death.
  • You may want to change jobs as you realize your old life is no longer fulfilling.
  • Your Beliefs change and you no longer believe many things you previously thought.
  • You can no longer relate to many of your old relationships and start ending the ones who are not in your best interest.
  • There is a period where you may become a Loner while you are losing old relationships and gaining new ones.
  • Personal Development becomes very important.
  • Possessions are no longer important but Knowledge is.
  • You start worrying less about your own problems and more about the problems of Others.
  • You become aware that you are only here temporarily to learn some lessons and you are really a Spirit having a Human experience.
  • The Relationships in your life that you keep become more meaningful.
  • You may experience anxiety & depression- If these become a problem please see your doctor. Suicidal or violent thoughts are never part of a healthy Awakening.
  • You want to make the world a better place.
  • You start to care more about the Earth and hate pollution of our planet.
  • You learn to love unconditionally.
  • You may want to quit your job or change your entire life.
  • You develop an interest in exploring the lies you have been taught. You might start searching for information on Aliens, Government cover-ups, our Society, The Pineal Gland.. YouTube is quite a powerful tool for people in this stage.
  • You can’t stand to watch the news
  • You feel like you are smarter than others who are not Awakening, yet you do not feel superior to them.
  • You lose interest in Religion
  • You seek lessons in everything.
  • You develop Psychic Abilities


If you think you might be Awakening, do your research and know what to expect because it will not be all rainbows & glitter. There are some dark, scary & negative aspects to an Awakening and it is different for everyone.

If you are having trouble with the process, you can find help with others who are experiencing the same thing in groups or social media. More and more people are hiring Spiritual Coaches or Mentors to help them with the process.

I spend much of my time guiding people as a Spiritual Mentor and no two experiences are the same. Once your Third Eye Chakra opens you are really living a brand new life and it can be an adjustment. Be sure to take good care of yourself during this time and do what is best for you.


