Abundance Manifestation

Okay so I finally got around to snapping a new profile picture, 3 years older, 30 pounds heavier, 10 x crazier than when I last updated this blog with a real pic but there it is lol..

So now, we are talking about Abundance…

So You Want Some Abundance?

Nothing wrong with that, we could all use a good dose of Abundance in our lives and it easy to make it happen as long as you know the right information about how to make it happen. Here are two very effective methods that are extremely powerful when you combine them.



Your Contract




You will need to make an offering of exchange so that you are deserving of your Abundance.

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How To Tell If Your Clairaudience is Awakening.


More on Hearing Spirit..

Clairaudience is my personal favorite psychic ability but many people find it annoying and it can be annoying to be standing in line at the grocery and suddenly a shrill voice starts blasting in your ear. I have about jumped out of my skin more than once lol. It seems to just come unexpectedly out of nowhere sometimes but usually, you can tell when it is about to start once you become experienced.

For many people, the start of their Clairaudience usually begins with unexplained ringing, buzzing, humming, or fluttering sensations in the ear.

It can come & go or it can last for a while. If you happen to already have Tinnitus like me, you might not even be aware that this is something new for a long minute. As your Clairaudience opens up, you will have a variety of hearing changes. You may experience some or all of these symptoms.

  • Ringing of the ears that comes & goes, occasionally it may last long periods of time.
  • Buzzing
  • High Pitched or Low pitched Ringing
  • Fluttering sensations in the eardrum
  • Hearing static that sounds like tuning in a radio
  • Hearing “zinging” or “popping” sounds
  • Hearing voices
  • Hearing music or singing (this is your Angels!)
  • Occasionally you might even hear people’s thoughts
  • Hearing your name from out of nowhere
  • It can be loud or quiet
  • Your Third Eye Chakra may tingle when your Clairaudient abilities are active
  • Hearing may get sharper or you may have a bit of hearing loss- this is temporary!

Now it’s never been a real popular thing to announce that you are hearing voices lol. But if you are certain that your symptoms are not physical or mental then your Clairaudience is opening up.

When I was first opening up, I only heard voices while I was falling asleep at night or in Meditation and that is really common. You have to be in a certain energetic frequency to pick this communication up in the beginning. It helps to visualize yourself as having Inner Ears just like you visualize your Third Eye.

If you are not sure if you are imagining it or not, here is how you can tell.

  • Your eardrums vibrate with clairaudient hearing.
  • The voices are always high pitched or shrill. Think of The Chipmunks!
  • Sometimes, if you respond to the voices they will answer you back.
  • If you are getting messages from Beings in the Light you will hear it in your Left ear
  • If you are hearing messages in your Right ear it is a non-human spirit entity and that can be good or badAngels, Archangels, Aliens, and even God or Jesus are said to speak to your Right ear. The downside is that Demons will also speak to the Right ear so pay attention closely if your messages are coming from the Right Ear.

Also, sometimes the messages come to your mind instead of your ears and that is something all together different, that is telepathy. Honestly, that is much harder to figure out than Clairaudience because it is much harder to tell if it is you or something else creating these thoughts. With time and practice you will know.

A few months ago I was sound asleep on the couch with him and Spike, our little dog.. and someone yelled my name in a very loud & shrill voice. I bolted up so fast I knocked him and the dog off the couch lol..

I looked behind me and saw a man with a rope around his neck standing on a table for just a flash. Apparently Spike saw it too because he ran over to exactly where I saw it and went off on it for a few seconds and started whimpering and jumped back up with us.

That particular Being caused me problems for a few days until I was smart enough to call in my Guides, which I should have done in the first place.. instead of trying to handle it on my own and he kept yelling in my ear for a few days before I had enough of it and called in the Spiritual Police.

So hearing voices is no longer an automatic sign of “crazy” but if you are hearing voices and are concerned, MOST DEFINITELY go get yourself checked out. There are medical and mental issues that have similar symptoms.

It’s a really good thing and once you get used to it and it isn’t that bad, but in the beginning the high pitched sounds can be really annoying but the more you work with it, the faster and easier the process goes. I loved that time of night when I was settling down to go to sleep and the messages would start. I heard the most random things! lol.

If you are a silence lover you might not adapt too well. Many people with active Clairaudience keep sound going all the time because the constant ringing and buzzing can drive you up a wall. I always keep some sort of sound going at all times because the silence amplifies the shrill ringing and it gives me a headache after a while, but keep in mind I have defective ears to start with.

While this is annoying it is a really wonderful & special thing so don’t get discouraged or scared while the process is happening. Your ears are just getting a Tune up for your new abilities!






Opening Your Gifts


Are you ready to open your Gifts?


The time comes in every newly developing Medium’s life when they are ready to experiment with their gifts and see what they can do. Thank Goodness that in most cases, we cannot do what we are not yet ready to do because our Guides are keeping us in check.

When I was just starting to use my abilities I was so ready to see that first Spirit and the more I wanted to see something the more frustrated I got because in my mind that’s what I wanted!

At that point in my life, if I had consciously really seen one I would likely have passed out lol..

When I was younger I had seen a few Spirits but I had played it off as my eyes playing tricks so it wan’t really scary. I still had that doubt to fall back on. Once you become aware of everything in the Spirit world and understand what it means to start seeing Spirit it can be scary at first and the longer you hold off, the better really, because your mind needs time to adapt to seeing this new reality.

So anyway, when your mind starts telling you that you want to see Spirit, your Guides will not allow it until you are mentally ready. You must “study” before you can graduate to the next level.

You wouldn’t show up at the hospital ready to preform open heart surgery if you have never been to Medical School right?

Signs you might be Ready


  • You feel ready
  • It has become less exciting & important to you
  • The thought doesn’t really scare you much anymore
  • You are seeing Shadows and lights out the corner of your eyes
  • Your Claraudience has developed
  • You are focused more on the Awakening Process than the Abilities
  • You are thirsty for knowledge & lessons
  • You start physically feeling or sensing their presence
  • You are drawn to places you might see a Spirit or Ghost
  • You are having vivid dreams or astral dreams much more often.


What to do next?

If you are ready you can get started with the process. You and your Guides can work together to develop your new abilities but you can’t wonder into it aimlessly, you need to have a Plan Of Action

  1. Make your decisions. You will need to decide what you want to do with your abilities. Do you want to be an Energetic Healer? or a Medium that gives Readings? How about Helping the Earthbound go home…or maybe Crime Solving is your area of interest? There are so many things you can choose among and you can do more than one thing, but for starters try to pick no more than one or two in the beginning to develop and you can alternate to other things as time goes on.
  2. Set your Intention– Set the Intention to start using your abilities to do the jobs you have chosen. Give your Guides the Go-Ahead to allow you to start using your abilities so you can start learning how they work. It helps to say it out loud or write it down.
  3. Choose who you want to guide you. You can choose among your Guides, Angels, Loved Ones who have passed on, Ascended Masters, Counsel, a combination or all.. etc.. You must have help along the way and when you decide who you want to help you let them know specifically who you want by telling & asking them. Make an agreement with whoever you choose.
  4. Last but not least, announce to the Universe that you are ready!


Once you make this announcement don’t expect the entire world to change 6 seconds later. The amount of time it takes for everyone to experience results is different. It may take minutes, hours, days, weeks, …you get the hint!

If you are simply just not ready then you will still have to wait. Don’t be disappointed if this happens though, just keep doing what you were doing and working towards that goal. Look for new things to learn about and experiences to have with your Spirituality.

A lot of people who really want to Awaken their abilities wait so long they sort of just give up and that’s usually when it happens lol.

It isn’t something you can force but the more you rely on your Intuition and practice your developing abilities and learn about new things in life (It doesn’t have to involve Spirituality you can learn about anything from GMO’s to Wildlife Preservation to health & wellness, to Government cover-ups..or even better, learn lessons from your own life it’s endless!) and you can reach your goals much faster and easier.

Some people Awaken their abilities before they are ready and this can stem from things such as the death of someone close to them to drugs or other means of Premature Awakenings. I strongly advice against forcing an Awakening before you are ready because Premature Awakenings have been known to cause mental breakdowns. The human brain needs time to process all this new stuff. You might think you have it down but sometimes there is much more to learn than you realize.

The more relaxed you are about using your new abilities, the more pleasant the transition and experience is. And remember that being scared is normal! Feeling like “this is not happening..” is normal too! But if you feel like you have pushed it too far and your quality of life is going downward instead of upwards, get help from a trained professional and explain that you are having an Awakening so they can better help you.







Awakening Signs: Ringing Ears



It can be annoying but it’s a necessity

During your Awakening you will at some point start getting ringing in your ears and it can be enough to drive you mad but hang in there because it’s a really good thing!

I didn’t notice it much at first until I realized just what it was because I have had Tinnitus and hearing loss most of my life. But when my ears started doing something different with no apparent cause, the first thing I did was research and surprise! It’s another sign of an Awakening.

Awakening ear issues may include:

  • Loud ringing which may come and go or be constant
  • Fluttering ringing inside the ear that may be accompanied by a fluttering sensation
  • A sudden feeling of your ear being sucked into a vacuum- it’s kind of hard to explain but you know it when you feel it.
  • dizziness
  • Inability to tolorate silence
  • Your hearing may get sharper or may decrease
  • You start hearing Spirit


Why this happens

Your ears are being fine tuned for your new Clairaudient abilities. It’s said that your Guides are upgrading your ears or that you are “downloading an update” to your sense of hearing.

You are being prepared to hear Spirit and you can expect that to start at any time once the ringing starts.

Many people, myself included only hear Spirit randomly at night when you are falling asleep or during Meditation. It is not the same pitch your ears are used to and it may not be a comfortable sound for you and a lot of people don’t like this ability but I personally love it.

You will hear people say some pretty strange things on a random basis. It is almost like tuning in a radio until you pick up the right station.

With practice, you can learn to communicate with your Guides or Loved Ones this way. Be careful about who you speak with and make it your Intention to only speak with those who are In The Light.

With clairaudience you do run the risk of communication with Dark Entities so try to use cation in who you speak with. Listen to your Intuition.

Some people can hear music or singing.. that would be your Angels!!!

How To Help Tune Yourself In

You know how you visualize your Third Eye? Well visualize yourself some new ears to tune up your clairaudient abilities.

I like to picture myself with big giant mouse ears sticking out just behind my physical ears. Trying new things with hearing is fun for people who are hearing impaired. My hearing damage is a nerve misfire condition and extremely rare. I hear things wrong sometimes because something goes wrong in the vibrations between my eardrum and my brain.

Let’s say you tell me to go fly a kite, I might hear stay the night..or you want to fight… it’s a genetic disorder that 2 of my 3 kids and one of my grandchildren has. So this is fun for me because I can hear Spirit much clearer than I hear human voices and there is no inability to understand like there is with my physical ears, but most people are the exact opposite.

Most people often have to strain to hear and understand Spirit voices. If you can hear them easily then you are one of the lucky ones.

Just be careful who you are communicating with and try to have fun with the process and most importantly hang in there with the ringing. It can be maddening but it doesn’t last forever.

Also remember that Ringing can also be a sign that a Spirit is trying to get your attention and talk to you. 

If you have a profound bout of ringing or fluttering, you might try to relax and see if you get any messages and thank your Guides for working overtime to develop your senses.




Reasons Why I Love Being Psychic


Top 10 Reasons Why I love Being Psychic.

  1. I save a ton of money on vacations because Astral Travel is Free
  2. I never get lonely because someone is always hanging around
  3. I hear that the meds they pass out at the the psych ward are great!
  4. Mom & Dad were wrong.. there really was something under the bed.
  5. I still get to play with pretty rocks 
  6. My best Friend has been dead for like, 10,000 years so she will never steal my man and drag me to Springer. 
  7. Getting signs from the Computer,TV & Radio makes me feel special.
  8. The local Jehovah’s Witnesses are terrified of my house.. (this one is true- they really hit the gas when they drive past lol)
  9. Creepy men in bars leave me alone when I talk about my Third Eye. 
  10. I never have to worry about hitting the Lottery. 

Cute right? For some very odd reason, I was creating this list as I was waking up this morning.. yet another strange thing to pop out of my head lol..No seriously, having abilities can be great most of the time.


The most frustrating thing about being a Psychic is listening to other people talk about Religion, Heaven, Hell, Life after Death, “mentally ill” people who “see things”,  nonsense, and so on.. It’s hard to sit there and listen to the nonsense that people think because I know better. I know my psychic Sisters & Brothers know exactly what I mean. When those conversations start I just have to excuse myself.

Alright, now I have all of that out of my head.. I am frustrated because I woke up creating that list, for whatever reason… and it caused me to forget any and all traces of my Dreams last night. I can’t remember a single thing that I dreamed about and as an avid Dream Analyst and PAP Expert, that bugs the ever lovin’ s*** outta me. Oh well.. it happens sometimes. I will just assume that I was not meant to remember it.. I just vaguely feel like I did a lot of walking and I am still sleepy and unrested.

Hardly a single night has went by that I have not Astrally or Psychologically visited my beloved Hawaii in many weeks. I saw the ground split apart and Volcano blow a couple weeks before it really happened and I have not slept good since. When the one in Guatemala blew, I woke up screaming that night.. that was one of the most stressful PAP experiences I’ve ever had.

One of these days I’ll get around to posting my PAP documentation files on this blog.. I am so busy re-creating my entire business.. but at this point in time, I have no new predictions unfolding as I’m aware of, only the volcanic activity and something about a Boat or a Sub sinking in Hawaii.. or the Pacific Ocean perhaps.. I’m still trying to figure that one out.. it was in my very first vision of the Hawaiian volcanic activity but I have not heard a word about a Boat or Sub sinking, in my Dream it was something that was done intentionally. All I can do is keep an eye out..











Chakra Reading


Here is a very simple color coded Chakra Chart with location information. Unblocking your Chakras can solve many problems physically and mentally.

Some people question the Chakra system but if you are questioning it, then you have not yet properly learned it. This system would not still be around after all this time (we are talking like, forever..) if it did not work. People would not pay millions of $$ each year to Energy Healers if it did not work. It has only been a couple of years since I started practicing with my Chakras and I’m a firm believer.

My abilities did not all start functioning at the same time. They pretty much just took turns forming and when I started seriously working on my Throat Chakra something weird happened.. my sinuses went completely crazy. I swear I drained stuff from 3 lifetimes ago! (okay maybe not that far back but damn close lol)

Just as soon as my Sinuses stopped going crazy I developed  Clairaudience. I had never experienced this ability before and frankly, it scared the ever lovin’ hell out of me at first because I really thought I had finally lost it.

I mean… suddenly I was hearing people talking!! But it only happened as I was laying down at night to go to sleep or if I was taking an afternoon nap. It took some getting used to for sure, but that is a very common occurrence.

And then the Healing Started…

I have been hearing impaired most of my life and I am supposed to wear 2 hearing aids and now I can hear much more clearly and hear different pitches than ever in my life.

My Vocal Cords were damaged in a Domestic Violence incident years ago  (the psycho beat me & tied me up and threatened to set me on fire so with nothing to lose, I started screaming until the closest neighbors over 1/4 mile away heard me and I damaged my vocal cords- yes, my life has been quite eventful..)

And anyway, suddenly my voice didn’t sound as weird.. I still sound “funny” to this day, but it was a major, major, major improvement because my voice is not nearly as deep and scratchy now and I don’t lose my voice nearly as often. And also, my eyes started working better than they have in years.

I was afraid I was going blind for a bit. My vision would just “blank out”. It was bad enough being hearing impaired but visual impairment on top of that is a scary thought.. but it’s all better now.. made a firm believer out of me.

I admit I didn’t feel that knowing my Chakras was all that important for a long time after learning about them but once I started getting to understand them and started practicing them they made a very firm believer out of me. My health has never been better. Blocked Chakra systems can really make you feel bad.

Practice cleaning your Chakra systems.. you have nothing at all to lose by trying and you might even join the growing list of people who have been healed by Energetic Healing.




  • The Crown Chakra– Located at the top of your head and is Purple in color.

  • The Third Eye Chakra – Located in the middle of your forehead is Dark Blue or Indigo in color.

  • The Throat Chakra– Located at the base of your neck and is light blue in color.

  • The Heart Chakra – Located in the middle of your chest, just under your breastbone and is Green.

  • The Solar Plexus Chakra– Located just under the Heart Chakra above your abdomen and is Yellow in color

  • The Sacral Chakra– Located just above your belly button and is Orange in color.

  • The Root Chakra– Located at the base of the tailbone and it is Red in color